Köln: 22.–25.10.2024 #ORGATEC

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Pressefach von Fellowes Ltd.

7.1 C41
Fellowes Ltd.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Fellowes Ltd.
Unit 2b Ontario Drive
Fellowes Brands is the global name behind ergonomic and workspace solutions. As a family-owned business that was founded in 1917, everything that carries the Fellowes name is more than just a product. From workspace sit-stand solutions to ergonomic products - it’s a promise of quality, performance and customer care. The company operates from 18 locations across the world, with over 1500 employees in the Fellowes family. Visit www.fellowes.com for more details. Press contact: Stephanie Volz, Orgatec@fellowes.com

Vorhandene Pressemitteilungen

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